
Archive for the ‘Add-ins and Tools’ Category

As you know, it is possible to create ad-ins for OneNote which extend the functionality in the core product. Here ae a few that I use:

OneNote Notebook Cleaner – clean up your OneNote notebook before sending it out to finicky people (is that how you spell finicky? I’ve never actually written that word down before)

Template Manager for OneNote 2007 – quickly apply default or custom templates across an entire section or notebook

OneNote Printout Manager – Some advanced printing features for OneNote

OneNote 2007 Word Count – for all you writers who use OneNote, this counts the number of words on the page (it’s much faster than doing it the old fashioned way, i assure you).
Please share any others you know about with us.

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It’s a cold and rainy day here in Seattle (Yuk) which makes it the right time to hunker down and learn about some of the rocking powertoys (aka add-ins) that are available for Onenote.

Click here to get the clickable list:

Calendar Add-in gives a view of all of your notes, allowing viewing by when they were created or modified. A preview pane allows you to view your notes. (From MSDN & MSDN)

Calendar/Planner Powertoy create’s a custom calendar, by selecting a start date and # of days

Canvas – navigate & edit notebooks by providing a high-level canvas-view of all your content

Export Outlook Notes to OneNote.

Favorites PowerToy 1 or 2 works like Internet Explorer’s “favorites” by saving the paths and locations of your OneNote Notebooks. (From MSDN & MSDN)

Image Rotator PowerToy rotates ink or drawings

Learning Styles Pamphlet provides an overview of how educators can use OneNote to complement students’ learning styles in the classroom

Windows Journal to OneNote Importer.

MakeSubpage PowerToy takes the the currently selected page(s) and makes them a subpage(s). (From MSDN)

Media Fine Tuner Powertoy for taking notes while recording audio, allows “moving” the start time of the notes you typed and aligning them with “where” in the audio you want the note to play
Merge Pages PowerToy merges selected pages together by “selecting the pages you want to merge and click the merge toolbar button.” (From MSDN)

Notebook Cleaner & Privatizer PowerToy prepares a “shared” notebook for distribution

Printout Manager take slides decks printed to OneNote and break them up into one slide per page

Outlook To OneNote PowerToy adds the capability of sending yourself email with a certain SUBJECT keyword and have Outlook automatically create a new page in OneNote’s Unfiled Notes section when that mail item arrives. Outlook then deletes the email

Project Gutenberg: ImportText PowerToy imports “Project Gutenberg” texts into OneNote

ReadOnly Selection Add-in makes the currently selected section ReadOnly

“Search and Replace” PowerToy.

Send to Mobile sends selected pages from different OneNote notebooks to your Mobile device

Send to OneNote – RightClick file(s) s& elect “Send To OneNote
Sort Pages & Sort Sections PowerToys

Sudoku (game)

Table of Contents PowerToy creates list of most recently changed pages

Table Sum Powertoy sums columns of a table & adds new row to the bottom (ignoring non-numeric values)

Task Requests from OneNote Meeting Notes Powertoy assigns Outlook tasks to others during meetings
Template Manager Powertoy manages your customized OneNote templates

TextImporter PowerToy – navigate to a folder and import all the TXT files. It creates a new section with the name of the folder, as the section name

THE PowerToy (Text, Highlighted, Extractor) – highlighted text from the current page is copied to a new page.

Web Exporter Plug- in exports OneNote notebooks as an interactive web site
Word Count counts the number of words on a page

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Happy Monday to you all! I sincerely hope that it is warm and sunny where you are – because it has been the opposite here for way too long. This weekend we had freak wind storms and weird thunderstorms (it’s the pacific northwest – we can only deal with overcast skies for goodness sake). All of this put a major cramp on my weekend plans. I ended up inside watching videos while huddled under a blanked.

But, today is Monday and I had to venture off to work – where I discovered this great new tool for you!

The OneNote Time Planner is a free template for OneNote 2007 that is a complete time planning tool. It can be used for popular time planning systems by David Allen, Stephen Covey and Anthony Robbins.

Check out Dean Gardiner’s blog – which includes links to downloading the template and a video showing you how to use it.

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Here’s a post that is way out of my comfort zone, so, please don’t be asking me any questions about it. (I told you I’m lying low today).

It turns out that Microsoft has a scripting environment call Powershell and that people (at lease one person, anyway) use it to write PowerToys or add-ins for OneNote – which is exactly what Brian Dewey has done. He has created a OneNote PowerToy that sends an email when pages in a shared OneNote notebook change.

Here’s how it works:


There are two pieces of Microsoft technology that I’ve been using recently and I love. The first is OneNote, which is the first program that I think can replace my cherished paper notebooks. Not only is OneNote a great place to write down all of those thoughts I don’t want to forget, it’s also turning into a wonderful tool for collaboration. Starting in OneNote 2007, OneNote has incredible “shared notebook” functionality. With OneNote 2007, you can have a team of people all contributing information to a single notebook. It’s a great way to build a common repository of knowledge.

The second piece of Microsoft technology I love is PowerShell. This is the ultimate geek-chic tool. It’s a powerful command line / scripting environment.

I now use these programs all the time. And like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, I wondered if these two great technologies would be even better if brought together? So I’ve tried to bring them together in the form of a OneNote PowerShell provider. This is a PowerShell extension that lets you create and manipulate OneNote notebooks, sections, and pages from PowerShell. You can use provider to do some interesting automation using OneNote.

Here’s an example: One thing I wanted was a tool that sends email when pages in a shared OneNote notebook change. This turned out to be pretty easy to do in PowerShell. With the OneNote PowerShell provider, the following lines of script get all of the pages that have changed after a particular time — I use this line in the script to find all pages that have changed since the last time I ran the script.

$changedPages = dir $Notebook -recurse |
    where-object { ([datetime]$_.lastModifiedTime -gt $targetDate) -and (!$_.PSIsContainer) }

The dir -recurse command gets me a listing of all of the pages, sections, and section groups in the notebook. The where-object clause is then used to whittle the list down to only pages (that’s the !$_.PSIsContainer bit) and only pages that have changed after $targetDate.

Then, I can use the following pipeline to export the changed OneNote pages to MHT format and remember the resulting filenames.

$exportedFileNames = $changedPages |
    export-onenote -output $outputDirectory -format mht | get-propertyvalue ExportedFile

Finally, I use the Send-SMTPMail cmdlet from the PowerShell Community Extensions to send the email containing all of the changed pages.

While the core of the script is just those three pipelines, there’s a lot more to the script (217 lines more, to be exact) to do things like parameter validation, formatting, etc. But still, writing and maintaining 220 lines of script was a lot easier than maintaining the couple of thousands of lines of code it would otherwise take to accomplish the same task.

If you want to play with the OneNote PowerShell extension, I’m making it publicly available under the Microsoft Community License. You can find the binary files here: OneNotePowershell.msi. The source files are here: OnPsProvider-1158.zip.

If you install the provider, it will install several sample scripts as well, including the script I’ve been discussing here (Get-OneNoteDigest.ps1).

If you just want to read the documentation that comes with the provider and the scripts, it exists in OneNote format: OneNote PowerShell Documentation.

If you want to use PowerShell with OneNote to build useful tools, let me know. I’ll be curious to see how you use it.

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If you have a lot of ‘stuff’ in OneNote Notebooks, you should definitely check out this OneNote Favorites powertoy. It works much like the IE favorites model.  You click the star icon with a green plus sign to add a page, section or notebook to the favorites list, and click the star to open the favorites list or navigate back to it.  Pretty simple!

This powertoy is a must have for any OneNote user, especially for somebody that has a bunch of different places they need to be quickly.

Here’s the basic UI to add a page to the favorites list:


Page is the default choice, but you can choose the section or notebook as well.

Once added, it looks like this when you open the favorites list:


This view is still modeled after the OneNote notebook structure.  You can also click the “List view” button near the bottom right to make it a little more “table-ish”:



In this InkShow guys from GottabeMobile.com go over all aspects of the powertoy.  Starting out with a look at the menu’s and functionality.  After that,  You’ll be taken through a demo of this powertoy to show it in action.


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This from member Kath Weaver:

SnagIt — by TechSmith is one of the coolest tools and works the best with One Note than anything I can think of.  Here’s how I used it today:

I got a help request from the couselor’s office.

I opened a page in my outstanding TAC tickets section of my Tech notebook.
Put the location and description of problem as my page title.
I printed my ticket (a Word document) to SnagIt, hit the “Send to One Note” and the document appeared on my OneNote page where my cursor was.
Filled out the TAC form and submitted.
Captured the ticket number with SnagIt
Did a search on the ticket number (hey, that website sucks), and did a screen capture with SnagIt of the search results.
Sent the SnagIt image to my OneNote Page
Printed the OneNote page to my Adobe printer — emailed the PDF file to the person making the request.

Probably took 15 minutes and most of that was cussing at the website where I put the TAC tickets in.

Love SnagIt almost as much as I do OneNote — or maybe equally — what I really like about Snag It is that I can “write on” the screen captures.

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Greetings from family-land! I am still vacationing – hence my spotty bloging. But, I did manage to get it together long enough to try out the new version of the Capturx pen from Adaptx. The big highlight if you are already a Capturx convert is that you can now print out paper from OneNote that can be used with the pen rather than having to use the special notebooks they provided in the past.

I’ll be writing a review of my experiences (I am a Capturx newbie) but in the meantime, I got this from Marc Pierre, Capturx’s product manager:


Capturx enables individuals and teams to take notes and sketch on paper with digital pens, which automatically record and integrate the handwriting into Microsoft Office OneNote. Anyone can simply write in Capturx notebooks or on ordinary printed pages with digital pens. All the information is backed up, searchable, and sharable in email or other Microsoft Office applications.

One customer of Adapx is an engineering firm whose staff record field observations and make sketches that result in volumes of data that is difficult to sort through and time consuming to key into PC’s. Their paper based data is now uploaded into OneNote where they can take advantage of sharing the information with others or even search the handwritten text.

Caputrx is also offered to office staff for use in meetings to help boost productivity which has been so successful we often get thanked for a tool that enables collaboration without being a distraction. At any time staff can reference and share notes directly from Microsoft OneNote. Office staff or field teams are now able work in a variety of locations, simply write with an easy to use pen and paper and stay focused on their jobs instead of burdensome tools.

Capturx instantly digitizes the handwriting on paper, helping to bridge paper based tools to powerful digital features in OneNote. Many of our customers found the original 5X7 notebook with waterproof pages to be helpful in field scenarios, but we also got a lot of requests for letter sized notebooks. Today we offer both letter sized 8.5X11 notebooks and unlimited print on demand of notebook pages directly from OneNote, using ordinary paper!

We are looking forward to lot’s more feedback from our customers to help with future releases.

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